It’s become tradition at this time of year for me to write about a Ladybird book that I was given as a birthday present. This year is no different. Although last year I may have had some absolute vintage gorgeousness to gush over, this year is a bit different…

This year on my birthday my 10 year old daughter very proudly presented me with this. A Ladybird book about Donald Trump. Now, I’m delighted to say that said 10 year old shares my views about America’s President (I still shudder typing that!) and so she said she’d enjoyed reading this book before wrapping it up. She also said that she had a last minute wobble about giving it to me and was relieved to see that I also had the Ladybird *Story of Brexit on my bookshelf, so she could see that I would get the joke!
This Donald Trump book was published in 2019 and came from the wonderful Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris who I have featured here before with their Wonderful World of Ladybird for Grown Ups. In these modern times it is obviously worth noting the message included at the back of the book, just in case you were left in any doubt.
“This book is a satirical work and is not intended to be factual…”
You don’t say!

As with all these new Ladybird books it completely hits the nail on the head in so many ways. Accompanied by wonderful vintage Ladybird illustrations it’s very hard not to laugh out loud as you read it, especially with references to “covfefe”.
Once again, I’m amazed at the hours that must have been spent looking for the right illustrations to go with the wonderfully crafted text in the book. The orange on the cover has to be the ultimate though. Even my seven year old son laughed aloud at this when he first saw it in a bookshop window when it first came out.

If you collect Ladybird books then this really has to be in your collection. If you don’t and you’re looking for the perfect gift for someone who despairs at Trump then this is exactly what you should be buying. I always just wish though that the list of other titles in the series on the back was actually true. I’d quite like to read a Ladybird Book about Skeletor!

If you want to get your hands on A Ladybird book about Donald Trump then it can be bought online *here.
About Ladybird Tuesday
Ladybird Tuesday is a regular feature here on Penny Reads, where I delve into my Ladybird book collection and choose a title to share with my readers. The weekly series originally started on my old blog, Being Mrs C, and this post originally appeared on there. I’m now in the process of moving all those posts over to Penny Reads and also adding titles that I have acquired since then. A list is currently being compiled here of all the titles I have in my collection.
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