I’ve started looking back at my Ladybird Tuesday archive for posts to move over to Penny Reads, but I keep getting lost down the rabbit hole that is my Ladybird collection. I’d forgotten just how many Ladybird Tuesday posts there were over the years, and just how many books I have in my collection. This time round I’m re-visiting Shapes.

Shapes is a book that both Little Miss C and Master C enjoyed immensely when they were younger. This title was published by Ladybird in 1978 and was part of a series of five books (alongside abc, Telling the Time, Counting and Colours) that were designed “to help parents to amuse, interest and at the same time to teach”. On the spine they are identified as “Early Learning” and I think they were originally part of series 563, although this is obviously a later version as the original series was published in the 1950s.

The artwork in this book is very much of the era – lots of bright colours and some of it really quite “arty”. It’s interesting to note that the book was written by Ethel Wingfield and designed by her husband Harry, yet the illustrations are credited to John Scott and Harry Wingfield. I may be wrong, but I’m guessing that Scott was responsible for the modern looking parts and Harry for the more classical looking shell pictures that I’ve featured below.

I find 1970s Ladybird books quite fascinating as there was this obvious desire to update everything and modernise it in some way rather than appreciate the older book designs and illustrations for the wonderful works of art that they were. A shame really, but I suppose it gives collectors like myself more to collect!

It’s been ages since I looked at some of these 70s books and I’d forgotten just how different they were inside to the older Ladybird titles. Time to gig out a few more from my collection I think.

Ladybird Tuesday is a regular feature here on Penny Reads where I delve into my Ladybird book collection and choose a title to share with my readers. The weekly series originally started on my old blog, Being Mrs C, and this post originally appeared on there. I’m now in the process of moving all those posts over to Penny Reads and also adding titles that I have acquired since then. A list is currently being compiled here of all the titles I have in my collection.
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